
Where can I buy tickets?

Please note that it is not possible to buy tickets directly over the phone from the venue. All ticket purchases should be made through our website or authorised ticket providers.

We advise caution when dealing with secondary ticket sellers. The secondary market may involve fraudulent tickets, including those that have been cancelled or duplicated. Please be aware that we cannot assist with any issues arising from the purchase of secondary tickets.

To gain entry, you will need to present a copy of your order confirmation along with a valid ID.

What if an event is sold out?

Once an event is marked as “sold out,” all available tickets have been sold. The venue does not reserve any tickets for purchase at the door. Therefore, if a concert is advertised as sold out, kindly refrain from contacting the venue to inquire about returns, as we do not directly sell tickets.

I can’t print my ticket – what do I do?

Simply show your ticket confirmation on your phone upon arrival.

What time will the musician/band go on?

We typically determine the exact stage times for a show on the day of the event, which is why we do not advertise them in advance. On the day of the event, we will aim to share stage times via our social media channels.

As a general guideline for mid-week shows, if the doors open at 7 pm or 7:30 pm, you can anticipate the headline band or artist to perform sometime between 9 pm and 10 pm. Support bands typically take the stage within 30 minutes of the doors opening.

Events start and finish a little earlier on the weekend as our DJs take over at 10 pm.

What time will the event finish?

Sunday and midweek shows have an 11 pm curfew, taking into consideration that attendees may need to travel home or have early work commitments. However, it is possible for shows to run over the scheduled time due to technical issues or as determined by the band and their management.

We always allow for a “drinking up” period, during which attendees can finish their drinks or purchase merchandise. Depending on demand, the bar may remain open after the show, although this decision is at the discretion of the management.

On Friday nights, our cover bands will run until the early hours. On Saturday nights, any pre-club night entertainment will finish at 10 pm to accommodate the DJs that follow.

Whenever possible, we will share the running times of the event on our Facebook and Instagram platforms.

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